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NEWS: Seasonal Category Added to Artcast

NEWS: Seasonal Category Added to Artcast

Just in time for the new year, we’re excited to announce that another new category has been added to the Artcast app: SEASONAL. Since quite a few galleries celebrating all four seasons have been released over the past year (and many more coming your way in 2023), we thought it would be fun to place them all in a single category on the app, making it easier than ever to add some timely flair to your TV.

“Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting, and autumn a mosaic of them all.”

— Stanley Horowitz 

Make sure to check this new category frequently – each quarter, we’ll be adding new seasonal content and moving the most relevant galleries to the top so you can find the latest and greatest of winter, spring, summer, and fall in just a few clicks. So happy seasonal streaming in the meantime! We’d love to hear how you are enjoying it or other new categories you’d like to see added in 2023 either in a comment below or via email to curator[at]artcast.tv.

Follow @Artcast_TV on Instagram and Facebook for updates on more additions to the Seasonal category and news on our other latest gallery releases. The Artcast app can be downloaded on  Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Google, and Samsung – learn how to start streaming art within minutes HERE.

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