Featured Artist: Casey Parlette
Joining us from sunny Southern California, our newest Featured Artist brings us back to nature through his gorgeous sculptures of wildlife made from unique pieces of wood, metal and stone. We are thrilled to be able to bring to your TV screens works of art by sculptor Casey Parlette (@caseyparlettesculpture) of various wildlife, particularly inspired by the ocean as a means to bring awareness to some of its most magnificent creatures.

Casey Parlette working in his studio.
When discussing the materials used and his process, he explains: “I use a wide variety of materials and techniques when I am working to capture the real-life characteristics of a plant or animal. I choose from different species of wood in an effort to have the piece resemble as much as possible the natural patterns, colors, and textures of the subject matter. The wavy pattern in curly redwood, for example, is similar to the stripes of a tiger shark, and a large manzanita burl may give way to an octopus once the wood around it is carved away. Wood truly is infinitely beautiful and full of life. In contrast, sheets and rods of metal are sterile — until a combination of blacksmithing and metal fabrication hammers life into them, at which point they give way to a myriad of shapes and textures. I use metals ranging from steel and stainless steel, to bronze and titanium. The unique qualities of every metal lend themselves to different sculptures and subject matter. Carving stone results in something colorful and beautiful that will be around forever. Combinations of these materials harness the best qualities of each. Ideally, the always unique final product expresses something of the majesty and beauty of nature.”
We love this video by Cassidy Tillemans which brings us behind the scenes of not only the creation process, but his daily sources of inspiration…
WITH THESE HANDS | CASEY PARLETTE from Cassidy Tillemans on Vimeo.
Now a full-time sculptor working and living in Laguna Beach, California, Parlette has had quite a life full of adventure which has also influenced his work. With a degree in anthropology from UCLA and many years’ experience as a commercial diver and ocean lifeguard, he is incredibly connected to the water and even discovered an unknown species of fish in the Peruvian Amazon where he lived for eight months. It was named Rivulus parlettei in his honor.
Check out a few of his incredible pieces from his dedicated gallery now streaming in the Contemporary Art category on Artcast.

The Lure, Casey Parlette (Material: maple, bronze, black lip mother of pearl | Method: hammered, welded, carved)

Octopus, Casey Parlette (Material: single piece manzanita burl | Method: hand carved)

Sculpin, Casey Parlette (Material: lace redwood burl, bronze, maple burl | Method: hammered, welded, carved, forged)

The Chase, Casey Parlette (Material: sycamore wood and bronze | Method: hammered, welded, carved, forged)
You can stream Casey Parlette’s work, as well as that of all our other Featured Artists on Apple TV, Amazon FireTV and Roku. Learn more HERE. You can also follow him on Instagram @caseyparlettesculpture and learn more about his one-of-a-kind commissioned works or his ocean and wildlife-inspired jewelery line at www.caseyparlette.com.